Liz Parrish - The Future of the Human Body - MIT Enterprise Forum
/Fascinated by the possibility of living longer? Perhaps immeasurably longer. And without the diseases and diminished capacities that typically accompany aging.
If you're thinking of science fiction and not science, you probably haven't been paying attention. According to Google Venture's Bill Maris, the life sciences provide tools to achieve whatever we have the audacity to envision. I just hope to live long enough not to die. Google and Apple have joined forces to create an R&D company aimed at combatting aging. Others predict digital immortality (singularity) within a few decades, with human brains uploaded to computers. The list goes on.
In this video Liz Parrish, CEO or BioViva, discusses the fascinating possibilities and potential of gene therapy to make our bodies and our lives super-human.
This talk was recorded at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) Enterprise Forum. MIT Enterprise Forum is the global voice of entrepreneurship, affiliated with MIT NS headquartered with MIT Technology Review in Cambridge, Massachusetts.